
Seasonal Trophy Reset

Seasonal Trophy Reset

News By Clash Royal 2016-08-29 09:40:46

From Supercell:

We’re changing the Seasonal Trophy reset to 4000 (from 3000), and here’s why:

Previously, players above 3000 have been reset to 3000 every two weeks – this is the “Season” – and are awarded Legend for all deducted . Starting from the current Season, which begins today, players will be reset to 4000 at the end of the Season instead.

We’d like all players to be able to progress smoothly throughout the , eventually reaching the Legendary Arena and ultimately gaining access to all the . Increasing the Season reset to 4000 will help achieve this by reducing the amount of players battling around the 3000 range and fighting for a place in the Legendary Arena.

Additionally, we deployed a change to the Trophy system on 8/15 to work in conjunction with this. Before the 8/15 change, climbing from 0-1000 would always grant the winner more than the loser lost. We increased this threshold to 2000 . Note: After 2000 , the Trophy win/loss ratio is 1-1.

The combination of these two systems will help players progress more smoothly throughout the and gain access to more ; and once you’ve reached the Legendary Arena, you should have an easier time staying there!

Also, we have some neat ideas for making the “endgame” (3000+ ) and Seasonal Trophy push a compelling place to be, but more on this later down the line!