


Spell Cards By Clash Royal 2016-02-04 14:24:07

“Mirrors your last card played for +1 ”

  • This card is unlockable from the Spell Valley (Arena 5).
  • The level of the copied card depends of the level of the Mirror (if the Mirror is level 5, the copied card’s level will be level 5).
  • When in-game, the card will display your last placed card inside the Mirror.
    • This does not apply if you have not deployed a troop yet – instead it will display a question mark.

  • The Mirror makes the player able to repeat a powerful card like the , leaving the opponent without to counter it.

  • A balance update coming on early February will increase the Mirror’s level of mirrored common by 4 and mirrored rare by 2.
  • The Mirror spell is the only card that doesn’t has a defined cost.

Cost Rarity Type
Cost of Previous Card Played + 1 Epic Spell


Level Mirrored common level Mirrored rare level Mirrored epic level
1 5 3 1
2 6 4 2
3 7 5 3
4 8 6 4
5 9 7 5
6 10 8 6
7 11 9 7
8 12 10 8