
Ice Wizard

Ice Wizard

Troop Cards By Clash Royal 2016-03-02 19:23:10

“This chill caster hails from the far North. He shoots ice shards at enemies, slowing down their movement and attack speed.”

  • This card is unlockable from the Spell Valley Arena.

  • The Ice , similar to the , does splash damage. However, it has lower DPS. It compensates for this by being able to slow down troops’ and towers’ firing rates and moving speed.
  • Ice Wizards can deal with swarms well because of the splash damage.
  • Ice Wizards are sometimes also used to counter the fast-moving and .

  • This card was added to the game on 29/2/16 with the March Update.

Hit Speed Speed Deploy Time Range Target Cost Count Rarity Type
1.2 sec Medium 1 sec 6 Air & Ground 3 x1 Legendary Troop


Level Hitpoints Area Damage Damage per second
1 700 60 40
2 770 66 44
3 847 72 48
4 931 79 52
5 1,022 87 58
6 1,120 96 64